I was living in NYC in 1991 when a co-worker's roommate had asked me togo down to where he worked for something. He was working for MTV andwas on a team putting together a new show called "The Real World" andwanted me to audition. I picked up the entry form, filled it out, butwas kinda revolted and reluctant and turned around and left (with theentry form in hand!) One of the things they asked was to name some ofyour favorite bands. Funny thing is, five years later I would neverhave guessed I'd be hosting web sites for nearly all of them. (Thenagain in 1991, a graphic internet was barely even conceptual anyhow.)Regardless, Meat Beat Manifesto was on that list. JackDangers was the first remix artist whose work I fell in love with. Hesounded like he had the power to take nearly anything and make it allhis own, long before Drum and Bass, Big Beat, Trip Hop, or any otheroverused terms came into the radar. 1991 was when his productionsstarted to flood the market - David Byrne's "Ava", Coil's "The Snow",MC 900 Ft Jesus' "Killer Inside Me" and the Shamen's "Hyperreal" werefour of my favorite tracks of the year. Couple that with the release of99% and Consolidated productions and MBM was unstoppable. You knew whoyou were listening to when you heard that ride symbol, snappy snare,beefy kick drum, vinyl crackle and overcompressed bass. Eleven of JackDangers' remix moments are collected here, but as you can see from the(somewhat outdated) discography on the MBM website at brainwashed, 75minutes can only cover a tiny portion of his remix work. While Ipersonally agree with the inclusion of David Byrne's mix (where hesimply added a beat and some neat background noises to a ratherdreadful cello piece), and previously unreleased mixes like FreddyFresh's "Party Right" or the obscure Atomic Babies and Banco De Gaiatracks, there is the gratuitous NIN remix of "Closer" which is still inprint and easy to find. It's a wonderful overview but entirely tooshort, could have been a double like the similar collection from TheOrb and deserves subsequent follow-ups. - 