Throbbing Gristle have issued the following message this past week:
    "Despite the current rash of unfounded and malicious internet rumors, presumably intended to confuse and fuck things up for other people, we want to make the following quite clear:

    The forthcoming performance by THROBBING GRISTLE at RETG on the Industrial Weekend at Cambers Sands, May 14-16th 2004 will be a ONE TIME ONLY DEAL. TG will NOT be playing ANY other shows - NOT in Europe, NOT in the US, NOT ANYWHERE!!!

    At their recent sessions at Mute Studios in London, TG demonstrated (somewhat to their own surprise) that they were able to get on, and to play both old and new material with the same passion and intensity as before, HOWEVER the four members' agendas, schedules, living arrangements, and personal projects make it impossible that this event will be repeated.

    If you are interested in witnessing TG in action, this show will be your ONE and ONLY opportunity. DO NOT MISS IT."

A brief glimpse of the session of the band in Mute studios can be seen at Mute's web site. Meanwhile, the release of the remix collection known as Mutant TG has been pushed back to March 29th (UK) and April 6th (USA).