The Williamsburg iPod Awards

Recently brought to my attention by a Brainwashed colleague, the online-based "PLUG Independent Music Awards" touts itself as representing a "community coming together to recognize its own." Yet, judging by the choices on the ballot, the "plug" of its namesake apparently serves instead as a tool to keep both the organizers' and participants' heads securely buried within their own assholes.
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30288 Hits

Strange Podcast Behaviour

A friend has just contacted me about your Podcasts that are kept on
Neither of us can get any of the old Brainwashed Podcasts only the current one.
We have both tried to grab the ones listed here :
with no luck. The RSS feed only lists two Podcasts, Kranky and the most recent
Do you know if there a problem with their site? Do we both need ipodder
software to get them? iTunes only gets the most recent one

We only host one Podcast at a time usually for a number of reasons: server space and traffic being probably the biggest.  If you miss one, then subscribe and you won't miss another.

7507 Hits

About Music Permissions

Hi there,  I'm an avid listener of the Brainwashed podcast.  I am currently
recording my own podcast here in LA. As a longtime brainwashed reader
and fan of the brainwashed artist roster, I would like to ask about the
feasibility of using select music in my own podcast. What might I have to
do to get this accomplished ?

There has been big news recently about the RIAA coming down on Adam Curry for
using music that isn't 'podsafe' and this has forced many podcasters like
myself to research different options. I come to you guys first because I want
to expose listeners to artists that I personally love. We aren't a radio show
so I won't be playing songs in their entirety; rather I would like to showcase
song segments or as something in the background. I would give on air credit at
all times, and follow that up with links on our webpage showing listners where
they might purchase material from the aritst.

Anyway, tell me what the rules are on this game. I'm new to all of this so
excuse my ignorance on the issue. As I said, I come first and foremost as a fan
that wishes to share his favorite music and hopefully generate sales for the
artist. Thank you for your time.

The Brainwashed Podcast only features music from the artists and labels whose websites are hosted on  I can't speak for other music we don't have permission to play nor other Podcasts in this world. You should either contact bands and labels directly who you want to use or just Podcast at your own risk.
7532 Hits

Mick Gaffney

I would very much like to get in touch with Mick Gaffney.  Please ask him to
email me if possible. Thanks!

Sorry, don't have the info.
8294 Hits

cut-up of Rimbaud texts

I'm offended by those who consider art to be just (or even mostly) content.
What I always knew about Rimbaud and which I grow to appreciate more and more
as I research him for my "opera" [working title: 'Les deserts de
l'amour'], is that his genius as a poet is primarily in his FORM. This cut-up
crap destroys the very essence of his poetry. Anyone can think up a sequence of
provocative images on their own, without having to pillage them from complete,
form/content-integrated works of art written by others.

Sure, whatever.
7388 Hits

Brainwashed linked track

i heard a track on webjay which was linked to brainwashed - it was so amazing,
but i cannot locate the track's maker. It was a remix of INXS "never tear us
apart" with the lyrics spoken over so effectively and ghost like. I must find a
link to it - any ideas??

No idea at this point.
7746 Hits


i just wanted to say that i'm interested by a lot of artists on your site(monte
cazzaza,diamanda galas..)
but your site is very confused.
1st when we write the name of the artists in search we go on news not on their
main page and sometime we go nowhere.2nd it's not clear to understand WHAT you
do? a platform? a rewiev site...
and there is too much informations all mixed.
except that i like your site.

We host music websites and reviews and a whole lot of other things.

7545 Hits


hi.... robert king stierle here.

i humbly submit my latest original palindrome to your most esteemed collection.

"In words, alas, drown I."

can be shortened to "In words, drown I."
or lengthened to "In word salad, alas, drown I."
but i prefer the first one.

thanx for publishing my other original palindromes.
Dogma in my hymn: I am God!
No, Sir. Panic is a basic in a prison.

i would be cool if you could include a link to my homepage somewhere on your

7326 Hits

Sharing is Caring and Caring is Sharing

Our kindergarten teachers always told us how we should be sharing, but the RIAA would have you believe otherwise.  Looking at any recent major label release, the packaging is pretty much destroyed now with big blocks of text, an FBI symbol and a warning.  Unfortunately, monster megalith Sony BMG isn't out to warn the consumer or provide any information that they're illegally loading "malware" (malicious software) onto unsuspecting machines. 
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16618 Hits

Jonathan Dean's "Domino"

Mr. Dean, you are a very talented writer.  Your piece about "Domino" was
thoroughly engrossing.  I, too, am a good writer, but I could never, ever,
write such a piece, or any piece for that matter, with such content, diction
and flair.  You are to be commended for such a talent.  This comes from a
gun-toting conservative who would likely disagree with most (if not all) of
your political views, but would nonetheless read such views were they written
with such amazing prose.  

Thank you.  I feel enlightened.

Thanks for reading.
7733 Hits

jarman soundtrack

in summer 2003 i was visiting the tate modern in london and had the chance to
see a film by derek jarman called "studio bankside" that was being displayed
there. the film had a soundtrack by coil that the tate had commissioned.  would
you hapen to know whether that music is available? is it on any of your discs?
any information you might have would be greatly appreciated! thanks so much for
your help.

Sorry, no idea, but now that this feedback is online and if anybody has an answer, we'll post it here.
8125 Hits

Conspiracy as Usual

A recent piece from The Nation offers some compelling questions that the so-called "Katrina Commission" should aim to answer. Unfortunately, the unsurprisingly Republican-helmed congressional investigation will almost certainly leave many of the concerns expressed unanswered as politics-as-usual trumps justice.
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14432 Hits

CocoRacist: You're So Worldly, How's Mom's Audi?

After being alerted by a Brainwashed reader to this fascinating article from the Washington Post about ultra-trendy "Kill Whitey" parties in Williamsburg, Brooklyn (where else?), I was not only perturbed by what I learned about the racist underside of indie trendoids, but I also discovered a little tidbit that might potentially be very embarassing to indie freak-folk darlings CocoRosie.
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160310 Hits

Fun Fact #86 about Post-9/11 America

FUN FACT #86: Did you know? ... If your name is on the "No Fly" list, you're fucked!
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23481 Hits

Major labels try to fuck more people over!

We all know by now how the major labels fuck all their artists over and fuck all their customers over but now they're trying to fuck over their promotional outlets!
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29568 Hits


Dear Sir or Madame

We are looking for a new interested music stuff for our distro.

Where i can buying yours records?? Directly from your or from
your eastern european distributions section?
just let me know!

The entire brainwashed catalogue is available at - contact us personally with specific items you're interested in and quantites and we can work something out.  Due to the limited stock and nature of our releases, overseas distributors and stores must pay up front.  There are no exceptions.  Thanks for your interest.

7611 Hits

Discovering The Golden Palace

Did you know that there was a Golden Girls spin-off in the early nineties called The Golden Palace? Broadcast on CBS, it starred three of the original elderly gals (Betty White, Rue McClanahan, Estelle Getty), with vital supporting roles filled by Cheech Marin and Don Cheadle, the latter best known for his Academy Award nominated role in Hotel Rwanda.
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14042 Hits

Jon and Jonathan's Rules of Compilations

Nekesa Mumbi Moody has just published an article on how "Best Of" albums are not so great these days.  But have they -ever- been?  She identifies who's doing it all wrong but bands and labels are often confronted with the task of "how to do it right." Here's a helpful guideline to anybody faced with making a compilation.
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15311 Hits

Payola: Another Way Major Labels Fuck Everything Up

This past week, Sony BMG agreed to pay $10 million in fines over their illegal Payola practice.  Payola is as old as the recording industry itself and is basically another way big business labels fuck everything up for the rest of us.
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14796 Hits

From the Perverse to the Pathetic

Terror attacks in Western nations are about to become as common as those in Israel. "Could it happen here?" was nearly all you heard on television in the days following the July 7 bombings in London. Not only could it happen here, but it will.
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13162 Hits