As morbid as it sounds,rough times usually make for the most brilliant art, whether it be thetortured artist's painting, the sick obsessive's love poems or themusician's pain and loss manifesting itself into beautiful sound.
It'sbeen a rough year for 22 year-old Jonathan Ray of North Carolina,currently attending college. Over the course of the year, the progressof "Axon" has been slowed down by schoolwork, hardware failure and mostimportantly, the loss of his mother after a long illness. Be warned,there is deep horror in this CD but there is also great beauty. Forabout 72 minutes, Jon opens up his world, his nightmares and his heartonto one of the most powerful things I have heard in a long time. Itbleeds with emotion without having a sung word anywhere, it moves andpulses without the need for a cliche drum machine beat, it challengessecurity and by the last song I am in tears, reading the interactiveliner notes on the website. Currently this is only a CD-R availablethrough him directly at his website - at doubt this will last long before we see a professional release ofthis on LP and CD - so get it before it's a collector's item.
