It's been seven years since "Dusk," the last full-length The The album of all new material from Matt Johnson.
It's been seven yearssince "Dusk," the last full-length The The album of all new materialfrom Matt Johnson. "Naked Self" more than makes up for lost time -Johnson is back with a powerful and loud, aggressive album, fierce andfurious, jaded and cynical as ever. While Johnson has not let go of thebluesy rock styles from "Dusk," and "Mind Bomb," he has reintroducedtechnology, studio tricks and treated guitars again to the mix. Whilethe first listenings just grabbed me out of nowhere and whalloped mewith a heavy board, the disc started to get a little tired. Within ashort time, I had seen the live performance and was completelycaptivated all over again. The disc is quite effective and does requirea bit of patience, but live action always helps. Fans of "Infected"would probably appreciate this album while if you're looking for theintrospective electronic adolescent comatose drug influenced (yet noless spectacular) sounds of "Burning Blue Soul" or "Soul Mining," youmight as well leave this release alone.
