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Jarboe, "Mahakali"

cover imageJarboe is an artist that is very much at the mercy of her collaborators; a strong band behind her and she flourishes but accompanied by a weaker artist she flounders. This has made for a patchy career, the dizzying power of her performances with Swans has not been a constant presence in her work but in recent years her work with Neurosis and Larsen has shown that her drive is still there. Her latest album sees her play with a group that can be every bit as crushing as any other modern metal band and also allow Jarboe’s softer side to shine through.
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11839 Hits

Bonnie 'Prince' Billy, "Beware"

cover imageOn the cover of his latest album Will Oldham's portrait looks more like a bare skull than a human head, the sleeve is reminiscent of Neil Young's Tonight's the Night. Because of this grim cover and the album's portentous title I was expecting a much darker affair, but this is anything but dark. Oldham has sketched out a country album that has far more in common with the cheerier parts of Young’s Nashville recordings. Employing over a dozen musicians for these sessions, Oldham has made his slickest album yet but without sacrificing the soul of his music.
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8193 Hits

Svarte Greiner, "Kappe"

cover imageWhen did anything slow, dark, and covered in reverb become "doom"?  Perhaps it is the fault of those Sunn O))) kids, but in my day we called this dark ambient, and we wore onions on our belts and walked to school up hill, both ways.  This "doom" album definitely has the darkness and bleak sounds that characterize the genre (and dark ambient as well), and being a Norwegian project, there’s even more darkness.  The problem is, for all its miasma and drone, it isn’t functionally different than a lot of other projects that tread similar sludgy, opaque waters.
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6804 Hits

Muslimgauze, "Sycophant Of Purdah"

Bryn Jones had a work ethic that verged on frightening and supernatural. Despite his death at the relatively young age of 38, he managed to complete over 90 albums (not counting reissues). Unsurprisingly, the handful of hapless record labels that supported him during his life could not possibly keep up with the deluge of material that he continuously submitted. As a result, Muslimgauze continues to be one of the most prolific entities in music, despite the fact that its sole member has been dead for a decade now. Much more striking is the fact that the vaults still contain some great and fully realized material.
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11815 Hits

Lotus Plaza, "The Floodlight Collective"

While I do not have any particular animosity towards Deerhunter, I've always felt that the enthusiasm they generate seems to be disproportionate to the quality of their music.  Consequently, my expectations for guitarist Lockett Pundt's Lotus Plaza solo project were not especially high.  I turned out to be pleasantly surprised though. He has managed to produce a couple of memorably warm and artfully blurred pop gems here.  I suppose I owe him an apology, but first he has to apologize for sabotaging his debut album with so much filler.

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8455 Hits

Flower-Corsano Duo, "The Four Aims"

cover image Mick Flower and Chris Corsano are no newcomers to the world of freely improvised music, and their numerous accolades more than summarize their collective achievements. Yet the two musicians play in such a broad spectrum of situations that sometimes it is difficult to tell just what the core of their sound is. On their second full length as a duo however, they are stripped of any external distractions in favor of head-to-head improvisational conversations, a setting that both thrive in.
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16847 Hits

Muslimgauze, "Sulaymaniyah"

cover image In the seemingly endless discography of Muslimgauze, sometimes it's tough to know where to start or, even worse, where to end. Bryn Jones produced so much music during his sadly shortened life that sifting through it all can feel more like an archival endeavor than a journey into the mind of one of the most impressive and singular electronic musicians of his time. This disc, part of an archive series collecting various shelved projects from Jones, demonstrates simultaneously the depth and the prolific compulsions of the electro-genius.
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12023 Hits

Lejaren Hiller, "A Total Matrix of Possibilities"

cover image It is doubtful whether a majority of today's current crop of laptop musicians would recognize the name of Lejaren Hiller (1924-1994). It is however, certain, that he was a key figure in the genesis of computer music. A lifelong student of music who was a chemist by profession, he succeeded in bridging the gap between scientific inquiry and the world of sound. After working for Dupont he joined the faculty at the University of Illinois where his research involved the Iliac 1, the first computer to be owned by an academic institution. He realized that the chemical probability processes he was investigating could be applied to music, resulting in the first composition to be written with the aid of a computer, much to the ire of the 1958 musical establishment.
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8113 Hits

Atom¬ô, "Liedgut"

cover imageFor his first release on Raster-Noton, Atom™ (aka Senor Coconut, Atom Heart, Uwe Schmidt, etc.) has created an album that does not necessarily clash with the label’s aesthetic, but takes a different direction that is much more classical in feel:  just as the album’s packaging resembles an old book more than the traditional cold, sterile art R-N are known for, the music within has the same feel, along with input from Kraftwerk’s Florian Schneider.
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15288 Hits

Animal Hospital, "Memory"

cover image Working at the crossroads between a variety of contradictory approaches—electronic and acoustic, improvisation and composition, producer and performer—Kevin Micka continues to hone his Animal Hospital project's refined explorations on this disc, compounding his broad and considerable talents into a majestic grit that shimmers with supple detail.
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12100 Hits

Pierre Yves Mace, "Passagenweg"

The fourth album by French composer Pierre-Yves Macé is an exceedingly high-concept affair with very intriguing source material.  Passagenweg is inspired by philosopher Walter Benjamin’s Arcades Project, which was an unfinished attempt to chronicle Parisian industrial modernity.  Mace, whose thematic consistency is laudable, constructs this lengthy musique concrete opus largely from crackling gramophone recordings of French popular music from the early twentieth century.
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8962 Hits

Land of Kush, "Against the Day"

cover imageThis ensemble, named after a region of northern Africa located west of the Nile in ancient history, fuses jazz, rock and Middle Eastern traditional music to great effect (and never becomes tacky jazz fusion). The group is under the supervision of Sam Shalabi who, despite a large recorded output, has outdone himself on this album. Recruiting what seems like everyone in Montréal to play, what might have been a project too big to effectively handle has instead blossomed into the best album of the year so far.
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17296 Hits

Wolves In The Throne Room, "Malevolent Grain"

While I am not generally one to categorically dismiss entire genres of music, my interest in black metal has historically been for the wrong reasons (I am amused by things that are cartoonishly evil).  Despite my love for extreme music, I feel I have to draw the line at corpse-painted adults operatically shrieking about Satan or hobbits.  Wolves In The Throne Room, however, are not ridiculous.  In fact, they are kind of absolutely amazing. 
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10855 Hits

Gonken, "Robot vs. Zombie"

cover image Some music is better left on a MySpace page. Record labels could do the Earth a favor by not wasting its valuable petroleum supply on sub-par CDs like this. To be fair, Robot vs. Zombie is available as a download from iTunes and other digital distributors, but to put it on your computer might compromise valuable hard drive space.
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7846 Hits

Enfer Boreal, "The Birth of Venus"

cover image With a slew of recent releases on homespun label luminaries such as Housecraft, Tape Drift, Peasant Magik and now Stunned, France's Enfer Boreal (aka Maxime Primault) has been hard to ignore of late. That he is partaking in Stunned's glorious first anniversary run is testament to the successes of both parties this past year and to honor it he releases one his best yet, a moist and brittle set of drones which far outshine the too often pallid results achieved by less finely attuned tacklers of texture.
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8673 Hits

Tim Hecker, "An Imaginary Country"

Tim Hecker's music is physical and concussive, but its effects radiate on a different level and manipulate something more primal than flesh alone. For close to an hour the music on this disc invades and purges the human core with vibrating melodies and crashing distortion: An Imaginary Country features Hecker doing what he does best.

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8755 Hits

Alva Noto, "Xerrox Vol. 2"

cover imageAs the second part of a planned five volume series, Carsten Nicolai chose to draw in more contemporary artists' music to collapse and rebuild, compared to the more classically influenced first disc.  Here he takes the likes of Stephen O'Malley, Michael Nyman, and Ryuichi Sakamoto as his starting point, but uses their work to bleak soundscapes that eschews the clicks & blip minimal techno Raster-Noton usually thrives on and instead is a darker, ambient set of pieces.
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10880 Hits

The Thirteenth Assembly, "(un)sentimental"

cover image Representing the first quartet effort of a series of musicians who have long been in association with one another—most often in duet settings—this debut effectively mixes a variety of contemporary musical tactics into a unique and accomplished stylistic melting pot. While too many efforts that take on this broad a range of material lack in depth however, this quartet has the chops to pull it off without losing its spirit of adventure.
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11279 Hits

Ponytail, "Themes For Cops"

Samuli Tanner has a suspicious and inscrutable way of doing things.  Most notably, the band name, album title, and cover art here are all suggestive of ugly, misanthropic scuzz rock (definitely not oddball hip-hop influenced experimentalism from Finland).  Then the album opens fairly straightforwardly (for about 30 seconds anyway), before quickly plunging down a rabbit hole of splintered surrealism.  Also, this album is only one very long track, unless you buy it from him on tour, in which case it is 27 extremely short ones.  Many of the tracks have police-themed titles, but I'll be damned if I can decipher any sort of thematic relation to the music.  I am decidedly flummoxed.
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13827 Hits

Faust, "C'est Com... Com... Compliqué"

cover imageThe collage of two headed cats, tigers and smiling trees on the cover of this album sums up the merriment contained in the music within. It is exciting from the opening seconds and engaging to the end, I have been getting more pleasure from this album than I had been expecting. Although song-orientated, the pieces meander and are allowed to expand without becoming self-indulgent or overbearing. The band is pared down to a trio here and as a result the music is full, strong and, in refute of the album's title, uncomplicated.
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13515 Hits