Manchester Calling: 15 Songs for Joe Strummer

That Goldblade guitar slinger Jay Taylor has recently taken up residence as promoter at the Night and Day in Manchester and has continued bringin' on nights of themed tribute, where many bands play one cover song from a particular artist or genre. Whilst this might seem to be a far cry from the cutting edge, there is a significant fun factor and when I walked in hours into an all day homage to the late great Joe Strummer, the first band I witnessed effortlessly turned all notions of lazy copies on their head.

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Jason Lescalleet, "Electronic Music"

If the analogies of botanical classification and plant breeding areapplied to the evolution and development of music and musicians thenJason Lescalleet's niche market nursery Glistening Labs, a name thatreflects its experimental agenda, has released two fascinating andpromising new clones within the genus 'Musica Electronica' ('ME'). Thefirst, with the potentially confusing name Electronic Music, is a new crossing of varieties within in the species 'ME Lescalitus' while the other, Combines XIX XXis a mutation of the robust 'Beauliea-Lescalitus' hybrid known as DueProcess. The most striking, almost freakish quality of the crossing Electronic Musicis how its emphasizes the differences between it's three parentvarieties, namely tape-loops, manipulation and synthesis. This aspectis at first quite disconcerting—there's something hallucinatory aboutthe merging of sweet sounds softened by reverb and whathaveyou with theraw, brutal sound of an untreated defective tape-loop. The differencesbetween these are toyed with and made ambiguous by greater or lesserdegrees of manipulation but, whether it's intrinsic to the music or aperceptual trick, the synthetic elements seem also to adopt the natureof the tape-loops—the ametric rhythms of physical tape defects and thepower struggle between different sounds overwriting each other withoutthe use of an erase head. Electronic Music thus fully retainsthe essential character of Lescalleet's sound while adding a new layerof complexity. The track called "Litmus Tape" is enthralling and itmeasures up the best of Jason's past output. Its powerfully tenseatmosphere is like an only half perceived, entirely alien monsterlurching around; always behind you or in the periphery, unidentifiable,sinister, but curiously fascinating and, from what you can see,beautiful. If you need to ask yourself whether or not you are dreamingthen, unless you are hallucinating, you probably are. The feeling ofunreality that begs that question is what "Litmus Tape" brings forthlike noting else I've heard. The rest of the LP is consistent with thatfeeling in different ways. The various references found in the titles,pictures, layout and materials of this desirable LP are left as anexcercise for the reader.


Various Artists, "Bip Hop Generation v.6"

The 6th clicky compilation from French label, Bip-Hop.

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nobukazu takemura, "10th"

Thrill Jockey
While my first exposure to Takemura's music was through the Child'sView material licensed in the US by Bubblecore, it wasn't until I heardhis album Scopeon Thrill Jockey that his music made a thunderous impact. Influencesfrom both Japanese traditionals and modern electronics collided with adelicate and refined attention to composition, structure and sound.Seeing Takemura live with vocalist Aki Tsuyuko on that tour drove theentire experience home for me. With the following Sign 12" and Hoshi No Koealbum, Takemura expanded on the sound, and let the music developbrilliantly, with songs that comfortably ran a full course without evergetting dull or mundane. However, his latest full-length album is adisappointment. Rather than a solid collection of 10 or so tracks, thealbum is saturated with 16 incomplete sounding compositions, stretchedto 78 minutes, nearly all exploiting the pesky Apple Macintosh voiceimitation program which (despite being a few years out of style) isirritating. The musical direction this time around leans towards moreEuropean trends, staying close to a rigid 4/4 beat and languid sounds,not entirely unlike the music coming from Morr or Bip Hop compilations.Sadly, most of the time the music sounds like it's intentionally takinga backseat to computerized vocals, which are painful by the thirdtrack, "Wandering," and downright unbearable by the seventh track, the9+ minute "Lost Treasure (4th version)." Even when Takemura drops thevoice and breaks free from the confines of 4/4 rhtyhm, the results aremediocre. Songs like "Mumble," which sound like an array of randomtones would be nice if something actually happened in its 5+ minuteother than an addition of percussion, wheras "Polymorphism," whilepleasant, could easily be new wave elevator music. Takemura's atalented composer and producer, but I'll be eagerly awaiting a 12"single remix or something to help me get past this album. 


The Anomonoan, "Asleep Many Years in the Wood"

Temporary Residence Limited
The first song on the new Anomonoan album is called "Sixteen Ways," butI need only two words to sum it up: Grateful Dead. The promo materialhinted that this album was inspired by the birth of Ned Oldham's sonand daughter, which is a fine and noble reason to record an album, butI would question the wisdom of including a field recording of a baby'scrying (Sam Oldham, who must be one of the newborn Oldham clan)overdubbed and softly accenting the lyrics on "Sixteen Ways," which atthis point declaim the crying of a baby as reassurance that the baby isalive. That said, this is probably my best song on "Asleep Many Yearsin the Wood." The rock songs on this album have an undeniablecountry/classic rock slant and I have a hard time listening to musicthat reminds me of The Eagles or something worse. Looking through theinserts, I noticed on the back a photo of a bottle of whiskey perchedon a window sill, with the label altered to read the band name andalbum title. This is a Photoshop sleight-of-hand which I most recentlysaw featured on the cover of Motley Crue's autobiography "The Dirt,"except there it was appropriately a bottle of Jack Daniels (here, itlooks more like what once was a bottle of Old Smuggler). Despite theshared aesthetic, I could not find any songs on the Anonomoan albumwhich recalled either early or later Motley Crue, although I might beable to make a case for "Time for Change," (circa Dr. Feelgood)sounding like "Y'Know" if I tried hard enough. The most heartwarmingparts of Anomonoan songs occur in the slower songs when Ned's voiceswoops up a few octaves and teeters on the edge of high notes he canbarely hold onto. Oldham manages to cling, however tenuous the grip,and the warble and the persistence are a beautiful thing in his voice.It is different from brother Will's, but Ned's clearly evidences theOldham vocal genome. Appropriately, one of these swoops occurs in"Bluebird of Happiness" when the lyrics croon, "and there's a contrarybreeze a-blowin'." Whether the headwind is the cause or theinterpretation of Oldham's vocal wisps, he is wise to let them take thesongs where they do, for they have the power to punctuate and decoratewhat might otherwise become bland country rock songs.


Steffen Basho-Junghans, "Rivers and Bridges"

Strange Attractors
In addition to being an acoustic guitar virtuoso, SteffenBasho-Junghans also delights in painting, particularly landscapes. Thisaspect of his creative life sheds light on his latest album, a soloacoustic trip though wide-open country scenes inspired by his ruralupbringing. Basho-Junghans (he adopted the surname of guitarist RobbieBasho in his thirties as an homage to his idol) approaches the projectmuch like a painting, and the guitar serves as his brush, craftingswirls and flourishes of sounds that fall back in on themselves andreemerge repeatedly. Each of the six tracks serves as a movement, asimple element in a broader scene. The twenty-minute six-string opener,"The River Suite," begins with a light ascension of plucked notes,lifting the music up and across the rapid cascade of tones that beginto rush beneath it. The music follows the stream, building, releasing,pausing, lingering, and all developing over a repeated body ofplucking. The repetition can be somewhat tiring, especially on thelonger tracks, like "The Takoma Bridge Incident." Though the ideas arecompelling in parts, they are exhausted by the end of the piece. Theshorter excursions on the second half of the album seem to discover andconvey their concepts much more effectively. "Rainbow Dancing" finds aclear melody, and stands as one of the more pleasant songs. On thistrack, Basho-Junghans switches to a twelve-string guitar, giving thetrack a lush, full-bodied sound that feeds the pastoral theme of thealbum. It sounds like how lying in a patch of sun soaked grass feels.Another advantage that "Rainbow Dancing" has is that it doesn't lingeron so long that you grow tired of its ideas. The lonely melody of"Autumn II" is perfectly evocative of the wailing voice of a bluegrassfolk spiritual. The weariness expressed by the piece gives off splashesof rust red and fading green, leading into the dusky "Epilogue." Thoughthe span of the album may be marked with lulls, the higher points of Rivers and Bridgesshine through. Basho-Junghans has produced a musical landscapepainting, complete with the valleys and crests, shadows andilluminations; the subtle nuances that make a work worth seeing.


Spoon, "Kill the Moonlight"

Austin, TX, is a city with a grand music tradition, but lately it's shaping up to be the new Glasgow, with more brilliant indie bands appearing out of there than most cities ever see. One of the mainstays who are enjoying a bit of a creative revival are Spoon. Formed by Britt Daniel and Jim Eno, they garnered a great deal of local attention before releasing their debut on Matador. Then they moved to Elektra, releasing only one album before they were dropped. Hitting the indie circuit again, Spoon found a home at Merge, where they've released the acclaimed Girls Can Tell and their latest work Kill the Moonlight. Where Girls showed off a meaner, leaner Spoon than in the past, Moonlight shows them losing a few more pounds just to have a bit more of a good time.

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shipping news, "three-four"

Shipping News began a series in 2001, with CD EP releases in specialpackages. Each contained songs that were written and recorded by onemember start to finish in a short span of time. The packages werehand-crafted, with a sewn seam and a bird-shaped platic cutout. Allwere super limited. All of the songs have been gathered and includedwith some new songs for this fully-fledged full-realizedfully-distributed full-length release. Given the setup, it's hardlyunsurprising that the material is far more varied than any of theiralbums. In all honesty, listening to everything thrown together in acompletely new order sounds almost completely lacking in structure.Thankfully that's only the first few times. After getting past theinitial shock of contrast that the material has to all previousShipping News music, the songs begin to reveal themselves asindividuals, prominently standing out from the others. Each approach iscompletely different than the next, with the heart of each song in adifferent spot, jumbled up like a puzzle which keeps resetting itself,buried in a sexy distorted bass of "Paper Lanterns," hidden inshimmering endless delays on "We Start to Drift," screaming through theblaring rock on "You Can't Hide the Mark Inside," or exposed by thenaked sounding, abstract and charmingly dissonant, Jandek-ish acousticand electric guitars on "Variegated." It's never explicitly clear whichperson did which song, something not entirely unlike the Beatles'eponymous white album (which too was more or less a collection of abunch of solo songs, never officially noting who did what where). Fanswill no doubt be divided, and probably pissed off that they'll have toshell out the cash for three bonus songs, but for some of us whocouldn't get our greasy mitts on some of the EPs, it's great to haveall the songs together. 


The Aislers Set, "How I Learned to Write Backwards"

It is truly hard to find anything terribly wrong with The Aislers Set.With each release, the band offers a gracious gift basket of shinypost-pop which unfailingly brings up the familiar names of Spector,Wilson, et al. Aislers Set prefer to drench their vocals in a healthyamount of reverb which often gives the songs a ghostly feel amidst thepoppiness. Their albums also enjoy jumping out with the first track, sodon't get caught off guard when this third album leaps out headstrongwith the first song, "Catherine Says," a heavenly track which featuresbells and handclaps accompanying Amy Linton's cherubic voice. As thesong climaxes, the chorus rises like church patrons from their pews,getting faster and louder and more celestial; as the chorus hastens,the song's denomination takes on a strange mixture of Roman Catholicismand Southern Baptist, as bells alternate with handclaps and thenultimately join forces. "Mission Bells" features its own blend ofCalifornian minor-key organ and guitar which, through some strangeassociations in my brain, recalled scenes from the film "Three Amigos,"particularly with the antagonist, El Guapo. Incidentally, this song wasreleased as a single on a pleasant 3-song 12" which preceded thisalbum's release. Perhaps my favorite section of this album starts atthe infectious chorus of the abruptly-ending "Action AttractionReaction" (it has this lovely ascending angelic sound) and goes throughthe beginning of the next song, "Through the Swells" (I swear everytime I hear the first guitar part that I am about listen to "BigmouthStrikes Again"). There are great songs on this album, but it stillseems to pale for some reason alongside other Aislers Set albums. Itfeatures the standard Aislers assemblage of rockers, ballads,horn-filled jumpers, and crooners, but sometimes the hooks are missing.The song also seem shorter (and though I have not double-checked myarithmetic, I can say with certainty that most of them are shorter), soperhaps the songs end prematurely, without ever properly filling out orblossoming or earning their hooks. Regardless, this is still a finealbum and it would do well to grace the phonograph or CD player of anyFriday night cocktail party which shows the potential for just a littledancing once the festivities get underway and the hors d'oeuvres areall eaten.



Tuesday March 11, 2003, Leeds, UK
Wednesday March 12, 2003, Glasgow, UK
Whilse Liars and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs might be getting heaps more hype for their smart 21st century punktones, Enon are perhaps the sparkiest and most advanced New York band mashing the creaky boards right now. With John Schmersal from the awesome Brainiac as guitar-plunkin' synth-stabbin' pivot, there was always going to be great tunes at the heart of their technological attack. The current trio has solidified into one of the coolest punk party bands on the planet. Drummer Matt Schulz is actually the cousin of Tyler Trent from Brainiac and looks like the bastard stickchild of Tyler and Shellac's Todd Trainer as he beats eleven shades of robotic crappola out of the skins. Toko Yasuda used to play in Blonde Redhead, but now has found her sweet voice as John's beau and foil, singing almost as many songs as him and switching quickly from bass to synth and back again. In Leeds they didn't quite ignite the night but Glasgow the next day was a bouncier exciting ride, even if the "Rubber Car" had left its wheels spinning in the Cockpit. Two new songs bode well for the next album due this Fall, but the set was comprised mostly of songs from their Touch and Go album High Society, bolstered by a couple of cuts from Believo! and that weird ass elusive Sub Pop single. Highlights are the hard rockin' "Old Dominions" with it's drastically precise slowed down coda, and "Biofeedback" where John raps silly and stalks off into the crowd to deliver surreal ring modulated messages to revellers. The big surprise was a real burnin' cover of the Gun Club's "Sex Beat" in Glasgow, with Toko on the mike rushing about like a lady with the fire of love in her pants! But my favourite memory will be of the pleasant surprise of hearing them storm off with a noise rock finale to my favourite song from their first album, "Conjugate the Verbs." Matt was all over the kit in joyful abandon as John did his best to blow his stacks. Don't miss the chance to wave your fingers in the air as the Enon tour continues across Europe. Be sure to take some extra cash for the clutch of quality singles and compilations they bring, which can prove tricky to track down in record shops.