International Airport, "Nothing We Can Control"

Doing a search for this band on the internet is frustrating for obviousreasons. But what I can gather is that the band is the brainchild ofTom Crossley of Appendix Out fame and Annabel Wright (Aggi from thePastels, of which Tom is a more recent member). It is also the work ofa rotating group of musicians working with Wright and Crossley at hishome, and mixed with nice studio help from John McEntire. Fitting,since the music has a very Tortoise-like vibe to it, but with morevocals by Crossley and Wright. It's loungey, it's relaxing, and it allhas a nice groove anyone can fix on for a time. About half of therecord is instrumental only, and it is on these tracks where most ofthe power of International Airport lies. The tracks with vocals arefine, but tend to be more of the basic pop song structure through theInternational Airport kaleidoscope. This tends to make them a bit morestructured, where this music works best without that sense ofdefinition. The exception to this being the second track, "movingwater," which is just plain beautiful. Wright has a section of the songall to her voice, then Crossley gets his counterpoint, singing partsall his own. The end of the song pares back down to instruments only:majestic, solitary, magic. As a whole, the album possesses a quietpassion that makes it a worthwhile listen. Is it the best record I'veheard this year? No. But there's plenty of potential here...



4371 Hits


Jazzkammer are the Norwegian duo Lasse Marhaug and John Hegre. Aftertwo albums they've opted to make the third a collection of remixes forthe Smalltown Supersound label. This means they have more time forsnowball fights or whatever it is they do to keep themselves amusedwhen they're not creating collages of glitch, noise, pop, static andthose little pasta stars that are good in soup. Although this is acollection of remixes, it holds together pretty well as an album takingin candle flicker glitchscapes from relatively unknown Norwegians, bigloping looping international laptop noise eruptions from Pita, ZbigniewKarkowski and Merzbow and some deep haunting ambience from FranciscoLÑpez and Reynols. The biggest name amongst mixers is Thurston Moore(didn't he used to play kazoo for the Butthole Surfers or something?)and after I picked up a great little free jazz freak out Schneiderremix of his from a bargain bin, I was curious to hear what he'd get upto here. He basically hacks up a lot of noise skree with cackhandedscratch attacks on jazz and disco cheese and the effect is like quicklytuning a radio dial whilst all the stations are broadcastingcompetitions for the worst DJ on the most fucked up turntable. Somepeople in very popular rock bands obviously don't take themselves asseriously as Radiohead, for which I'm grateful!
Most of this has the aura of Mego-like laptop feuds, and Pita of Megois present and incorrect. Sometimes Jazzkammer gets cranked up to fullon aural assault, at others it crackles away to itself in thebackground. Perhaps the most curious of the Norwegian tracks is thesilly 'I Hate Cars (Super Chicken Floppy Willy in a PPP Swimsuit)' fromMaja S.K. Ratkje during which she splices up maniacal laughter withgrinding soundcard flotsam and rapid peak and trough tough noise edits.It rises to a succinctly effective crescendo that puts the more wellknown noiseniks in the shade.
Latterly TV Pow slowly builds up subtle eerie drones under a canopy ofgrasshopper leg crackle, until suddenly the hum shifts to theforeground. JÀrgen Traeen changes the mood with a rapid cut up'Dupermix' which stutters and splurts like clipped mute firecrackers.
Two tracks stand out a mile from the rest. The closing epic of slowseeping high tones and stretched glitch pitches from Francisco LÑpez isthe most involving, evolving and enjoyable thing I've heard from him,and if there aren't recordings of icey winds howling on this then itreally is even more uncanny in its glacial eeriness. The similarlyreflective deep droner from Argentinian trio Reynols is beautifullyassured enough to have me keeping an ear out for them in future.Towards the end of it some indecipherable vocal noises are prettyunsettling, sounding like some struggling lost soul trapped in themachine.



4948 Hits

"Anti NY: Rare Music from the Early 1980s New York Underground and Some Contemporary Versions"

The "Anti NY" compilation gathers seven songs by bands from the early80s scene that centered around the New York City's Mudd Club (perhapsbest known these days for its invocation in the negative by TalkingHeads, i.e."This ain't no..."). The sound stems from the collision ofpunk, disco and electronic noise that coincided with No Wave (bandslike the Contortions or DNA) and the beginnings of rap. While the songsare certainly fantastic, I can only offer a qualified recommendationfor this comp due to the needless inclusion of five "remixes" at theend that do little more than take up space.
The groups' names might not be instantly familiar to you, but severalof the players should be. The percussive noise trio Gray is actuallypainter Jean-Michel Basquiat and early hip-hop promoter Michael Holman.The electro-funk blast of the Del/Byzanteens was led by future director(and member of John Lurie's Lounge Lizards) Jim Jarmusch. Industrialnoises and proto-hip-hop collide on a track by graffitti artistRammellzee and Death Comet Crew, aka filmmaker and future creator ofclub hit "The Dominatrix Sleeps Tonight" Stuart Argabright. A song bythe writer Vivien Goldman includes contributions from improvisingpianist Steve Beresford and PiL guitarist Keith Levene. Of particularnote is the sexy-as-hell "If I Gave You A Party" by the approriatelynamed Sexual Harassment, which calls to mind the Manchester industrialstreet-party sound of A Certain Ratio. Every track on the CD's firsthalf is remarkable, a fantastic portrait of the dancier facet of NoWave NY. At the time that these bands existed, reactionaries decriedthe invasion of an "art school" element into DIY punk rock, but historymore than bears these folks out as fearless and creative musicians. NewYork must have been an exiting place then!
However (here it comes): the disc includes only one song by each of theseven bands, and then (note the last few words of the albumconspicuously lengthy title) five remixes by contemporary producers.The remixes seem to imply a connection between the early 80s scene thatthe CD documents and current house music and techno. Whether or notthis is a valid point being made by the compilers (it may well be), theeffect as a complete album is jarring, unnecessary, and notparticularly illuminating. First of all, the mixes (by Funkstorung,Paul Mogg, and others) are dull compared to the originals. Second, thegeneological line that I assume is being drawn would have been far moreeffective by an essay or two. Instead, I'm left wishing that anadditional tune by each group was present, rather than the superfuous(and by now clich³) remixes. It seems as if "Anti NY" wants to be twothings at once, both a document and a tribute. By presenting not enoughdocument and a half-assed tribute, it fall short of both.


4856 Hits

funkstÖrung, "viceversa"

Sorry, it's not a full-length album of all-new material, it's theirsecond collection of remixes bearing Funkstörung's name. This timearound, the range of inputs is varied beyond expectations and usualsuspects. The charmingly timid yet curiously infectious Jay JayJohanson imediately springs to mind, as most electronica purists rolltheir eyes or make motions with their fingers in their throats. Lookout, however because word on the street is that the Funkstörung duo ofMichael Fakesch and Chris de Luca are producing the Swedish crooner'snext album. The track on here, "I Want Some Fun" is as cheesy as thetitle suggests, but the production is undeniably top-notch. Beans fromthe Antipop Consortium joins the German duo for an exclusive track,"Salt" (which samples a classic laid back Jay Jay Johanson organ riff)while A Guy Called Gerald's track with Louise Rhodes gets astylistically d'n'b finishing touch which would make any Lamb fantremble. Other remixes include those from the post-post-kraut popstersThe Notwist (hey, when's that new fucking album coming?) and apreviously-released remix of Tocotronic. My personal friend and soulmate, Speedy J gets doused with annoying repetition on "Something ForYour Mind," however no-age decomposer Jean Michelle Jarre pleasantlygets more beef than he's ever used to hearing. The packaging's cool yetslightly irritating as it will certainly rip at some point. On top ofthat, it has graphics printed on the inside of the glued cardboard, butit sure as hell gives any Funkstörung fan the opportunity to avoidspending their money on things they probably normally wouldn't get.Indulge.



4417 Hits


This unusual specimen of audio exotica is a collection of 21 ultra-rarelibrary and production tracks from some huge and bizarre culturalrepository in Southern England, chosen and sequenced by Barry 7 of AddN to (X). This compilation is drawn from the same musical repository asLuke Vibert's recent collection of "Nuggets", but the artistsrepresented here seem to have been chosen with an ear towards morelow-key, eerie synthscapes. Barry 7 provides us with a pleasurable andadventurous journey through science fiction soundtracks, Moog-heavy poptunes, Ennio Morricone-style exotica and pure experimental sonicplayfulness. The artists here run the gamut from pretty obscure toREALLY obscure. Standout tracks include Cecil Leuter's Stereolab-esqueheadphone odyssey "Electro Sounds No. 8" and the melancholy space-agegroove of Sven Libaek's "Solar Flares." Nurse With Wound fans willappreciate the insane whimsy of The Johanna Group's "Hors Phase" andAnthony King's demented pop stylings on "Maladjusted Moogie." Thisstuff is like crack to me. More, please!


5304 Hits

(the real) tuesday weld, "Where psyche meets cupid"

This is not an album by the 60's "it" girl but is the debut full-lengthrelease from crafty Londoner Stephen Coates. His brand of audiopastiche includes a combination of polished beats, Coates' own whisperyvocals a'la Momus, and an array of melodies sampled from 1920s and 30srecordings that will unfailingly give you the urge to get up from yourchair and do the Charleston. Tracks like, "Am I In Love?," and theirrisistably catchy, "L'amour et la Morte," are both funny andcharmingly eerie — something on par with being pitched into the absurdvaudevillian silliness of an episode of The Muppet Show. AlthoughCoates seems perfectly at ease with this silliness, the twoinstrumental tracks, "At the House of the Clerkenwell Kid," and, "CloseYour Eyes When You Read This," which show the more serious side ofTuesday, are some of the standout pieces, seeming to draw heavily onfilm noir score. The overall cinematic quality of Coates' work is hardnot appreciate, even on a first listen. For the most part, however, hissense of humor and wit prevail, especially evident in the song title"Terminally Ambivalent Over You," but never lapses into an undesirablechildishness.



4002 Hits


The Molten Salt Breeder Reactor has been noisily unleashing untamedharshness on the world for around a decade or so. It first reached myears via the excellent Ash International compilation "Chiky(u)u" in1997, and has collaborated on ludicrously limited split discs with anendless parade of noisesmiths, including Daniel Menche, Cock ESP, K2and Steve Roden and Brandon Labelle. Koji Tano is a Tokyo noisician whois perhaps predictably rather prolific and has made museuminstallations exploring the interface between art and trash heaps. Herehe blasts eardrums, courtesy of the 20 City label, with two long studiocuts of 'spherical electronics', and a recording of an assault on aprobably quite suspecting Chicago audience, which is a slightly morefrantic but less well defined affair. The first chaotic sphericalrumination opens with a looping skree shard which soon fractures intofeedback squeals and some low messy quakes. A stuttering synthlykeyboard seems to be rapidly losing it's tuning as occasional shadowsof lost keys flicker between the bright gulfs of distortion. MSBR seemsto be able to tweak endless vortices of well defined entropy from hisgadgets, and the noise shifts constantly and eddies endlessly,headlessly and leglessly. Patterns emerge but are quickly blown apart;MSBR kisses the noise as it flies. I find it all quite relaxing at lowvolume and at higher volume it's an ideal obliterative to obtrusivecommercial radio crap.



4642 Hits

Survival Research Laboratories

The idea of a play-it-in-your-home soundtrack to the massiverobot-destruction performances of Mark Pauline's Survival ResearchLaboratories is ultimately a ridiculous and excessive one. But that maybe the idea. As the uncredited writer of the liner notes explains, "Thewhole point behind the SRL soundtrack is not so much to accompany thesounds of the machines, but to fill in any lulls in the noise level asthe machines start breaking down and falling apart." The performancesare frequently deal with the idea of excess and violent extremes, withgiant mechanical robotic things sent shuddering toward each other andtoward various objects (houses, ugly metal structures of all sorts)with missile launchers, blades, various weapons, any damn thing. Theperformances, typically held in empty parking lots or any large areassome distance from people's homes, are chaotic and seemingly dangerous.The sound is part of the intended perception of a loss of control,though one must trust that the robots' operators know what they'redoing or else they wouldn't knowingly endanger the lives of theiraudience. Or perhaps they would. Who really can say.
The soundtracks on this CD, then, are not about dynamics or subtlety,but brute din. They are done by G.X. Jupitter-Larsen, whose work as theHaters celebrates entropy by creating noise out the sounds of things(like tires, calculaters, paper) falling apart. The music here isn't somuch different from his Haters albums, though a slightly differentconceptual element entwines them into the SRL performances. Forexample, a performance at a race track used the sounds of car crashesand motor-racing to "fill in any lulls" in the machine demolitionderby. In order to highlight the humor of the SRL productions (what isa display of absurdly grandiose self-directed violence but essentiallyfunny?), Larsen used the sounds of children's cartoons. And on and on.These concepts are secondary to the unchanging grey wash of high-volumenoise, punctuated by clanging metal, presumably coming from the machineperformances themselves. Yes, it's ridiculous. But it couldn't havebeen anything else!



3865 Hits

Music From The Motion Picture, "Series 7"

Anyone remember Girls Against Boys? Their funk-soul-sex-rock music onTouch & Go was tearin' up the college music charts in the mid 90s,and the major labels came running. After signing with Geffen, GirlsAgainst Boys -- GVSB -- released their major label debut "Freakonica."To mild acclaim and almost whole ambivalence. No one cared who theywere or what music they were making, it seemed, because the record didnot sell well. And when Geffen all but dissolved in the infamousUnigram merger, GVSB were done. No fear, however. Where some bandsdecided to call it quits or sell out to another major, GVSB stillrecord together and make some amazing music (look for a new album onJade Tree in early summer 2002), despite the band members' projects(New Wet Kojak, for one). This soundtrack to the critically acclaimedmovie "Series 7," a mockumentary-like spoof on reality television wherecontestants are given guns and made to kill to win, is a perfectexample of why this band is in it for the long haul. What a perfectsetting for GVSB. And they make the most of it. The music is asaggressive, sexy, and fresh as it ever was, perfectly conveying, Iwould think, the urgency of said television program. I will admit, nothaving seen the film, I cannot say how this music works for it. But onits own it stands up just fine. The song that reportedly plays over thecredits ("One Dose of Truth") is GVSB gone New Wave, and it isprecious. It's also the only part of the score that has lyrics, sobasically this is a chance for the band to make an instrumentalimpression. There are also a few other songs by other bands on thealbum, included for posterity due to their inclusion in the film, likethe Joy Division classic "Love Will Tear Us Apart." But this is GVSB'ssoundtrack, and a great hint at things to come.



3925 Hits


A couple weeks ago, I had a lot of time on my hands on the highway toAustin for a Pigface show. I figured it would be a good time to take inthe entirety of this various artists collection handpicked by Pigfaceand Invisible Records head honcho Martin Atkins for Underground Inc.,an affiliation of 15 or so indy labels including Invisible. "Notes.."showcases 52 tracks over 3 discs by 28 artists, none of whom I'dpreviouslyheard of. I kept a simple 'thumbs up' vs. 'thumbs down' tallyas I listened and 20 tracks got the thumbs up. Not bad considering thesingle disc price tag. It's a diverse lot that represents both gendersand many facets of pop, punk, rock, industrial rock, dance, rap, etc.(but you won't find a single glitch) and, of course, the unavoidableSkinny Puppy/Orgy/Leatherstrip imitators. My bias lies more towards theoriginal and weird stuff rather than the cookie cutter refuse. Some ofthe highlights: Louie Fontaine's Foetus like swagger, Tub Ring's cutand paste carnival punk on acid, Kill Pop's explosive Big Black meetsMinor Threat sound and Livesexact's "You Must Get Down" amusing samplesand raps. And the cream of the crop: Mistlethrush's utterly delightfulmelodic rock gems "Heavy Set John" and "Jody Stone" ... they will behuge given proper exposure). Volume 2 was recently released with 2 morediscs packed with another set of artists. I have it on order.



4049 Hits


The slipcase for this disc offers little info beyond 3 artist names,track titles and label url in a somewhat difficult to read font. Alittle online research reveals that the artists - Doe, Eso Steel andBirchville Cat Motel - are from New Zealand and the label, 20 City, isbased in Japan. They specialize in the "production and release ofmanipulated sound: experimental, soundscape, ambient, noise,improvisation, textural, drone" and these 3 offer differing butcomplementary examples over 72 minutes. Doe's "Maylar" (maybe theymeant "Mylar"?) and "Polymer" quickly achieve a quiet and compelling,nirvana like state of layered hum. Eso Steel's "A Scratch" ups thenoise ante a tad with more sound tidbits and "Ircania" goes one furtherwith stretches of mild noise and furnace hum. And finally, BirchvilleCat Motel's 3 tracks bet the whole pot with nearly unlistenable,feedback drenched guitar and clutter. "Crystal Freighters" inparticular would warm Caspar Brùtzmann's cockles. Doe receive the blueribbon here and 20 City have been added to the always growing mentallist of labels to keep track of.



3895 Hits

Portastatic featuring Ken Vandermark & Tim Mulvenna, "The Pefect Little Door"

Mac McCaughan writes pops songs. He writes them well, whether they befor Superchunk or for Portastatic. So, when he was invited to performas part of an 'original collaboration' with Ken Vandermark as part ofthe Noise Pop festival in Chicago, he was a bit worried. And I can seewhy. Writing pop songs doesn't usually lend itself well toimprovisation. While McCaughan writes music that is structured,melodic, and full of hooks, Ken Vandermark plays (not even writing it)music that is unstructured, improvised, and spontaneous. Fortunately,McCaughan realized that improvisation would be a bit of a stretch andhe and Vandermark decided that it would perhaps be best if they were todo a set which included a few Porstatic songs, a Caetano Veloso song, a're-working' of a Vandermark tuen, and an original composition writtenby McCaughan and then elaborated upon by Vandermark. To add sometexture to the tunes, Vandermark 5 percussionist Tim Mulvenna wasinvited to play with them. While the execution of each song isexcellent and the mastery of each musician's instrument is obvious, thesongs seem to lack the electricity that usually results fromcollaborations. Although each player is playing beautifully, theyaren't playing off of each other and a lack of interaction can beheard. It's almost as if Vandermark was playing along at home to arecording. You can definitely see why this is being called aPortastatic release. Not that it's a bad thing, but it's unfortunate tofind that a collaboration that had such great potential fails todeliver.



3675 Hits

Bad Sector, "Polonoid"

Bad Sector is becoming awfully prolific. Of his recent material, oneitem I've enjoyed greatly is the "Bad Box" - which isn't actually new -but rather a reissue of an older album, "Polonoid," and an extra CD-Rwith two great songs on it. (Sadly, the box is now sold out, butPolonoid is available by itself, so if you've never heard of Bad Sectorbefore, snag the un-boxed version.)
Let's get off on the right foot: this album fucking rules. Bad Sectorhave existed since 1993 but only recently has he gotten the press hedeserves. Part of what makes him so good is the fact that his music ispretty much unlike any other: it's noisy, it's ambient, it's amazinglyemotional, and it's amazingly creepy. All at once. It's like Farmer'sManual meets Anenzephalia meets Autechre's "VLetrmx21."
"Polonoid" is a prime example of his work. Originally released as avery limited CD-R on Germany's Vuz Records, it is now more widelyavailable (yay!), and features all his trademarks: shifting walls offeedback, droning, melancholy synthesizers, and bizarre cut-up voicerecordings. Sometimes, as on "Open Universe," the music resembles powerelectronics in sheer intensity or volume, and yet it retains melody anda certain digital aspect that other music of this nature lacks thatreally sets it apart.
In summary: Bad Sector is amazing. To quote the artist himself, hismusic is "deeply emotional dark ambient noise," and he is really damngood at what he does. Don't miss out.



11338 Hits

Plankton, "Y"

A 5-track EP of analog lo-fi electronica from Berlin, presented onthick white vinyl with variable artwork. White labels wich give nofurther clues except one to check the details first as both sides playat different speed.
Impressions from shady sideways of the datastream appear, titles like"Sentimental Elevator Bits" and "Monomental Intercourse" nearly say itall. Plankton provides a lost futurism a la early Kraftwerk and Numanwith today's tools. "Soleil" would even work in a Metropolis Score -but in a rougher style.
A promising debut which raises expectations.



4140 Hits


The second Rip-Off Artist album, "Brain Salad Surgery", was reviewed onthe Brain back in summer around the time it was released. This isactually his first album, which was released by Quatermass only a monthbefore the second due to label procrastination, and after a time warpcaused by a huge pile of promo CD's and not enough ears to go round,this one is getting reviewed so late that the prolific Matt Haines hasalready got a third album out! I can't comment on "Pump" on MillePlateaux as I haven't heard it yet! His Rip-Off Artist persona is acomment on his plunderphonic compositions. He steals bits of otherrecords, even their titles, but hopes that people won't actually stealthis CD. Presumably it's OK to sample his records though. He's sampledchildren's toys and sing-along records to make this funky stew which isa little more obviously humourous than his more streamlined secondalbum. However he doesn't want this regarded as a comedy record, whichis probably just as well when the best joke is a bunch of kids blowingout birthday cake candles shouting, "123, blow!" before a particularlyslick keyboard break. The Rip-Off Artist is perhaps at his best when hemakes wierder noises, as on the appropriately titled 'SomethingStrange'. There always seems to be a fractured and skewed electro pulsetrying to flex, but it usually gets jittered up and slung on its head.'Gizmo' adds some daft sexual innuendo to a Kraftwerk like vocodervoice that sings, "I like to play with my gizmo, I like to play all daylong." Subtract the ribbits and the odd lyric about being a frogwanting a kiss, and 'Cream' is a pretty straightforward electro-funkwork out with a lascivous hopped up rap from Crescent Raye Born. Kidsrecords should educate with amusement, and thanks to the Rip-Off ArtistI now know that Tater Tots are hot, and that they're not a tomato, butI'm not sure exactly what they are. If anyone wants to advertise themthere's a ready made jingle here that could earn Matt Haines a fewpennies. "Would you like a slice of cheese?" asks a chirpy looped womanon the very short track 'Silly'. There's plenty of that to go roundtoo! The second album on Hot Air is more convincing but this is quitean enjoyable dose of daft disco diving.



4712 Hits


Faust are set to a issue a complete remix album of 1999's 'Ravvivando'.This will feature the likes of Funkstùrung, Residents, Mark Spybey,Daniel Miller, Surgeon, Dave Ball with Ingo Vauk, Howie B., SofaSurfers a.o.
The first glimpse on this, sold on the recent UK tour and via mailorderfeatures the original track and 3 mixes by Dave Ball & Ingo Vauk.
Their versions develops the original "Wir brauchen Dich #6" into agroovy hallucinogenic mixture with added slices of psychedelicfeedback. The first version being the most consumer-friendly with abouncy guitar line, but all of them share an irresistible drift awayfeeling like Carlos Peron's Brainticket remixes or some Chrome (withless harshness). The two non-album mixes could have been titled "Dub"and "Club" but are actually called "Ellapropella," and "Processors OfElimination" mixes and are sadly shorter than stated on the cover.
Nonetheless, this serves as a good taster and if all participants willbe allowed so much input of their own, the album should turn out reallyinteresting.



4491 Hits


Anticipated and found were: the visions of beauty in the blindness ofchaos, the sound of confusion to adore, the overlapping of panic intosensuality, and the questioning angels in the shadows. The setting - asubterrenean sunset still from Orphee. So if it's good enough forCocteau then it's good enough for me - listless beauty and all that.What I hadn't anticipated was to find that Cyclobe have embraced evenfurther the peripheral vapour-trails left by Luminous Darkness, theirdebut, and created a stunning and completely unique take on what I callectoplasmic music: it feels like the sounds are leaking out of thespeakers and seeping into the listeners ear-drums. It has taken form,if that's the right expression, and unfolds over the seven tracks of'The Visitors'. Or it could also be the little specks of chaos onlyhitherto peeked at in Sun Ra moog solos, LSD-period Coil, earlyThrowing Muses and The Fall.
'The Visitors' is a constantly evolving, shape-shifting work that moveselegantly (or uncomfortably) between a state of grace and the struggleto hold onto that grace. "Brightness falls from the air" makes thisnotion explicit from the outset, the unsettled rumbling giving way hereand there to gentle swathes of melody and hideously warped keyboards.It shudders and vibrates at the same time, and is a devastatingcombination: the celestial is both welcomed and feared. Similarly for"The body feels light and wants to fly"; the sounds are so subdued, thestructure so viscous and arrested, that once it breaks free andactually flies, the listener is tempted to gulp for air.
"If you want to see that nothing is left" wraps its pulsing, subduedelectronic textures around a spiralling string section, each strugglingto overpower the other. In the end though, its the organic, bodilyaspect — the strings — that win. "Replaced by his constellation"literally replaces itself over and over, in an endlessly buildingserenade that could be mounting orgasm or encroaching panic; and whenit suddenly breaks free into a shimmering set of harmonies you realiseit is the former.
The apprehension and threat of Luminous Darkness is replaced by abarely restrained infra-music that seems constantly at the brink ofmetamorphosising onto a new plane that Cyclobe themselves can't forsee.The Visitors vibrates and crackles.



6795 Hits

dntel, "life is full of possibilities"

On first listen to Dntel's new album, you want to swear that it'sEuropean; yet another brilliant out-of-nowhere young German makingbeautifully skittery electronica on their laptop. But the first of manysurprises on this breathtaking record is that it's a product of LosAngeles native Jimmy Tamborello, with the magical help of a whole slewof friends.
The disc glides along with gorgeous vocal accompaniment from Mia DoiTodd, Benjamin Gibbard (Death Cab For Cutie), Chris Gunst, MeredithFigurine and Rachel Haden (That Dog). Thrown into the mix are alsoBrian McMahan of Slint/For Carnation fame (offering about two chordsworth of guitar on a track) and Paul Larson of Tamborello's formerband, Strictly Ballroom, on guitar. So what does all this do for thesound? A whole hell of a lot, apparently. Tamborello expertly chopsefficient phrases of vocals, guitars and keyboards into nearly flawlesspop songs that rival anything to come out this year. This is at themoment in my Top 10 for the year, just for the Mia Doi Todd andBenjamin Gibbard contributions alone.
It's fitting that most of the lyrics are in some way or another aboutlove. When Mia Doi Todd sings "How can you love me if you don't loveyourself / I love you," you just want to tear what's left of your heartout and hand it to Tamborello because you just know at this point thathe's going to make something better out of it. If you give a shit aboutRadiohead, Four Tet, Lali Puna or Boards of Canada, then you canrightly have your heart crushed and your mind blown for about $14 atyour local record store. Just look for the ambulance.



4876 Hits

boxhead ensemble, "two brothers"

I will never forget the night of December 14th, 1998. It was a Mondayevening downstairs at the Middle East in Cambridge. An unusually cold,desolate scene from what is typically packed and overbearingly hot. Theattendees got to sit down on chairs for a change and witness a largescreen with incredible black and white images of the trecherous seasoff the coast of the Aleutian Islands (Alaska). The film was 'DutchHarbor' and the Boxhead Ensemble were improvising the soundtrack as wewatched. Three years and three album releases have passed and theensemble has finally released something that doesn't have anything todo with 'Dutch Harbor', but I can still feel the chill. I stepped inthe car earlier this week late at night with the crisp, cold NewEngland air numbing my face. As I popped the disc on, everythingclicked into place. The dark drive wasn't so bad, there was nobody elsein the car and nothing to say but just sit and listen, watching mybreath in front of me, waiting for the heater to kick in. The recordingopens with a short violin, drum, acoustic guitar and background noiseintro, then moves onto a second track with familiar sparse guitar,strings and drums. It's hard not to sound like the Dirty Three whenboth Jim White and Mick Turner are involved, despite them beingcredited on the 'secondary' list of ensemble members. Boxhead Ensemblehas always been loose enough to sound improvisational, but collectedenough to sound composed. Bit by bit, other instruments are introducedto the mix, including double bass and more bowed strings. Over thecourse of the next few songs, the focus moves from empty andalone-sounding bits to a much warmer sound. Drones, chimes and basssounds eventually fill the space by the time the car heater has kickedin. By the time the sixth piece, the gorgeous "Requiem" comes on, thedrummer and guitarists have been silenced and the strings havecompletely taken over. Gentle guitar and drums return on the next tuneand an elegant interplay continues through the end of the disc. Thefeel returns to the earlier sense of chilly solitude, but at thispoint, the sound is majesitc enough to be an aural impression of agorgeous snow-capped Vermont mountain. It ends with a short epilogue,the instruments mimicing a bitter, cold wind blowing. Although they maynot have done it to somebody else's movie -this- time, the ensemble hasonce again created an appropriate soundtrack for the cold, outdoorexperiences of the northern hemisphere in the wintertime.



3977 Hits

Bovine Life, "Social Electrics"

Chris Dooks, the musician behind Bovine Life, understands thatpost-techno electronic music need not be a dour affair with art-galleryjustification. His debut full-length CD is thoroughly fun andenjoyable, proudly home-made and full of inspired musical ideas, whilesitting within that strange gray area between dancable electronica andcontemporary computer music. One-finger melodies and concisecompositions (averaging two and a half minutes long) dominate thealbum, which is a nice touch. That Dooks uses very few elements in eachsong is to his benefit as well; he establishes an open and engagingatmosphere that persists even on the darker, more abstract pieces. Themost interesting aspect of "Social Electrics" is the home-made natureof the recordings. The album makes remarkable and inventive use of thetechnical limitations of DIY home recording; a Dr. Sample makes itspresence known many times, as does the factory pre-set hand-clapkeyboard sound, the telltale rise-and-fall swoosh of a ring modulator,and the unmistakable stutter of computer time-stretching. Evidence ofhuman interaction with the sound-producing materials is presentthroughout in the form of manually turned knobs and punched keys, quitethe antithesis to the faceless and flawless sheen of Raster-Music orMille Plateaux. I suppose it's similar to the raw sound of DATPolitics, so a fan of one artist would do well to check out the other.Pretty damn fun stuff.



4064 Hits