"Subsnow 02-02"

This album was produced in conjunction with Tarmvred's North American "Subsnow" tour, and features Tarmvred as well as a host of other acts, most (or all? I think?) of whom he played live with on this tour. It's a very strong compilation with only a few weak tracks throughout, and would make an excellent purchase for industrial/electronic/IDM/whatever fans.
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Somatic Responses, "Dying Language"

These prodigious musicians from Wales have gained quite a reputation thus far, and with this newest album on Ad Noiseam, they have managed to carry the torch yet again. However, they seem to suffer from the same old problems, but do manage to innovate as well.
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ExOrder, "War Within Breath"

ExOrder is the power electronics side-project of underground darkambient heroes Inade. 'War Within Breath', released on the excellentMalignant Records, is mostly a reissue of a long out of print cassetterelease, 'Law of Heresy', with some unreleased and live tracks thrownin to round it out.
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Stewart Walker, "Reclamation: 1997-1999"

It is incredibly difficult to make techno music that isn't incrediblyboring. Being a person who has never really enjoyed/embraced the raveculture, I would find these events stale and uninteresting. I wouldenjoy dancing to the work of some of the DJs, because they were doingthings that were innovative, different. And they weren't clutteringtheir music with annoying keyboards and house-girl voices that make youwant to run for cover. Stewart Walker, a minimalist techno efficianado,released this set last year, partially to start his own label and totide fans over until his second proper LP.
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Rob Mazurek, "Amorphic Winged"

As the title suggests, the direction of this disc is somewhat vague,yet still an interesting listen. Mr. Mazurek's electronic/laptopelements tend to be more experimental then that which we've come toknow from the Chicago Underground Duo.
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"Anthology 2"

Come Organization's second anthology collection may not be as lengthyas the double CD first volume, but it is of equal importance. Thematerial picks up where the last one left off, pulling music from 1981and 1982 including Come's entire album 'I'm Jack,' most of thecompilation, 'Für Ilse Koch,' as well as two pieces from MaurizioBianchi's 'Weltanschauung' LP.
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Christian Kleine, "Valis"

The multi-talented German instrumentalist has followed-up last year's'Beyond Repair' LP with this somewhat dull EP on Morr. Once again,organic bass guitar and guitar riffs are looped alongside somewhatslow-driving 4/4 instrumental electronics.
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"Vertical Forms"

UK-based label Vertical Form have failed on a number of planes withthis compilation. First off, I don't ever want to see another promo CDshow up in my mailbox without a cover, artwork, a tracklisting, ornotes to go along with it. This compilation has received a ton of spinson my players at home, work and inbetween, but up until now I haven'thad a goddamned clue as to who's on it.

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Having recently taken in the delightful "Alice in Wonderland" box setre-issue, my first (massive) taste of Greif's quarter century plus backcatalog, I became eager for more. And just in time comes a new projectusing another classic as inspiration.
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Mirza, "Last Clouds"

It seems that anger and post-rock go hand-in-hand with a lot of bands.The power of Mogwai, menace of godspeed you black emperor! and rawdestructive force of Explosions In The Sky all suggest some kind offrustration and anger with the systems and forces in place. And theyshould be angry about that. But San Francisco's Mirza took it to awhole new level.

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