Gordon Mumma, "Live-Electronic Music"

Most people reading this haven't had much exposure to Gordon Mumma, ifany. I can't exactly blame them however as very few recordings are inprint or easy to come by. However, a full article has surfaced in TheWire recently and Tzadik has just released this collection ofrecordings from 1963-1985.
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Ida, "Shhh..."

This release can be somewhat confusing. It's not quite a full-lengthalbum of new stuff, it features altered versions of some older songs, acouple unreleased things and quite a lot of versions of their songs"Shrug" and "Shotgun" from 'Will You Find Me'.
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The Church, "After Everything Now This"

Some bands never give up. Last year marked the 20th anniversary fromthe very first Church release and after a number of lineup changes,solo records, big time hits and big time bombs, they haven't quit.
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This is the first in a series of seven limited edition (1000), mailorder releases from the vaults of Subconscious Recordings, home toSkinny Puppy expatriates Download and related projects. 80 minutesworth of DAT jams from 1994-5, the seminal "Furnace" and "The Eyes ofStanley Pain" era, have been edited down to 15 tracks by cEvin Key andNative Instruments' Omar Torres.
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Michael Gira (SWANS, The Angels of Light) tells an almost unbelievabletale in the press release of this latest offering from his Young GodRecords.
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Rivulets are best described as a rotating cast of characters centeredaround Nathan Amundson's delicate voice and acoustic guitar. Lately,however, Amundson has a more constant partner in crime in Jay Kroehler,who plays bass and adds various effects to the soundscape rivuletscreate.
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Venom8888, "Destroy Venom8888!"

One of the newer signees to the collective-based Dtrash Records,Venom8888 veers away from the label's usual (and excellent) digitalhardcore stylings and instead offers up a fine blend of noise,soundscapes and glitch.
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New Wet Kojak, "No. 4 EP"

A simple title for the most simple music New Wet Kojak have ever created. True, the sex is still in this rock, more libido than most records combined. But where is the substance?

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Six Organs of Admittance, "Dark Noontide"

Usually when I'm shopping around in a record shop there's a good chanceI'm trying to ignore what's being played overhead. Sometimes the musicis okay but I'm normally just annoyed. Today was a little different. Isimply became entranced and forgot what I was originally there topurchase.
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Seaworthy, "It's Humbling When Two Saints Meet"

Poignant and introspective guitar/piano sounds from this new duohailing from Westmead, Australia, 'It's Humbling...' is a gorgeous setof instrumentals that wax and wane, caressing the psyche with a warmand subtle touch.
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