Neil Halstead, "Sleeping On Roads"

Fans of Mojave 3 and the legendary (and sadly defunct) Slowdive haveawaited with baited breath and in sweaty anticipation the solo debut ofNeil Halstead, the frontman of both groups. Having performed quite anumber of live gigs prior to the release of 'Sleeping on Roads,'Halstead's ease as a solo artist is apparent.
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Monster Movie, "Last Night Something Happened"

Although Halstead is the former Slowdive member currently receiving themost attention in light of his new solo record, Christian Savill hasremained active as well, recording with Sean Hewson as Monster Movie.
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Coil, "Moon's Milk (In Four Phases)"

Most fans have probably collected each one of the seasonal Solstice& Equinox singles back when they were released in 1998. Now thatthey're long out of print, a reasonably priced collection takes theirplace.
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All Tomorrow's Parties 1.1

If the poor girl couldn't decide what costume to wear to the SonicYouth-curated All Tomorrow's Parties festival in LA this March, andstayed hiding behind her door, then maybe this souvenir disc compilingtwelve of the performers could be some consolation.
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James Plotkin's Atomsmasher

I honestly think this disc's been out for quite a while, but it's beenquite a bitch to find around Boston. My personal theory suggests thatsince the label's based out of Boston, most local stores are afraid tocarry it. grrrrrrr. James Plotkin and DJ Speedranch are the farthestthing from local, however.
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Colourbox, "Best of 82/87"

I doubt there is one person reading this who doesn't know "Pump Up TheVolume," but how many know the history of Colourbox up until thatmoment, possibly 4AD's biggest worldwide smash in their entireexistence?
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Charles Atlas, "Felt Cover"

The cover of the third album from this San Franciscan duo somewhatbaffles me, and eerily provides hints about the contents. I have alwaysloved their albums but there's always something rather conceptuallymissing.
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Adrian Crowley, "When You Are Here You Are Family"

Fans of Nick Drake rejoice: there is an heir apparent to the throne.Not a true heir, to be sure, but one of such promise that everyoneshould pay attention to his words and melodies as they're sure toimprove over time. Adrian Crowley's sophomore release, "Family" markshis domestic debut thanks to Ba Da Bing! Records, who will also releasehis debut record "A Strange Kind" later this year.
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MASSIMO, "Hey babe, let me see your USB and I´ll show you my FireWire"

Massimo claims the whole of this 3" ep release was played with atrumpet and that he doesn't like to be compared with power electronics.
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hollAnd Borthwick, "Helene"

What some people call monotonous or repetitive others are sure to callmoving or stirring.
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